Build tailormade IoT applications
Connect and control your devices, scale and build smart data-driven applications using our GraphQL API. The Dimension Four IoT backend takes care of all the complicated stuff through a simple, super fast and scalable service.
Developer First
Worry-free and enterprise ready, we take care of security, health and uptime monitoring.
Work with our super fast GraphQL API.
Simple and easy, get started in minutes, test, improve and scale.
Anything, anywhere connected
Simplify the connection between sensory data and smart data solutions.
Connect to any sensor or data source
Manage your data sources and data structure
Build tailormade smart data driven applications
Grow and scale with our scalable IoT
Cherrypick your data with GraphQL
IoT made easy, the GraphQL playground gives you as a developer a place to try out our API.
IoT has redefined the way we interact, communicate, and go about our lives. From our homes and schools, to public transportation and maintenance systems, the IoT ecosystem of devices is what makes our world smarter and more efficient. But what really is IoT? Where is it going? And what should you know?
Through the lens of our hyper-scalable IoT cloud service, join the D4 team as we explore the IoT universe, and pass on what we discover along the way.